Понеділок, 20.01.2025, 12:31
 Пробація в Україні 
Головна Реєстрація Вхід
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Проект «Підтримка в’язничної реформи в Україні»

Ефективне лідерство та менеджмент

Державна пенітенціарна служба України

Наше опитування
Які функції повинні виконувати служба пробації в Україні (питання для працівників ДПтСУ)
Всього відповідей: 402
Друзі сайту


Онлайн всього: 1
Гостей: 1
Користувачів: 0
 Project “Support for Prison Reform in Ukraine”

Overall objective:

To strengthen the prison system in Ukraine based on the rule of law and respect for fundamental rights and European democratic values and standards.

Specific objectives:

  1. To promote the wider and properly focused use of community sanctions and measures and to improve the capacities of the Criminal-Executive Inspection Service towards a fully functioning Probation Service
  2. To support the improvement of the Ukrainian prison management in compliance with the European standards.

Expected results:

  1. The role of probation and community sanctions and measures, in line with Council of Europe standards, is recognised and promoted in the professional community.
  2. The functioning of the Criminal-Executive Inspection Service is brought closer to a probation agency functioning in line with the Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)1 on the Council of Europe Probation Rules.
  3. Senior prison managers are acquainted with modern prison management methods and management style is brought closer to European standards.
  4. The level of professional knowledge of middle and senior ranking prison officers is increased and training in prison management is integrated into initial and in-service training curricula for prison officers.
  5. The cooperation and dialogue in the penitentiary field is enhanced. Knowledge on international standards, new measures and practices, innovative initiatives in sector policy are shared among stakeholder

Contact details

Office of the Council of Europe in Ukraine
Kyiv 04070, Illinska Street 8, Entrance 7, 6th Floor


Project Manager

Project Assistant

Project Expert







+38 044 303 99 16


+38 044 303 99 16


+38 (067) 715-99-74



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